© Jean-Baptiste-Millot; © Jérôme Bonnet
  • Conference

“Tout ce que vous avez toujours voulu savoir sur le Quatuor à Cordes…”

  • Friday 21 May | 18:00
    Station Ausone – Librairie Mollat

“Everything you always wanted to know about the string quartet but were afraid to ask.

The string quartet is the most accomplished and balanced form of all chamber music, a kind of aesthetic and spiritual ideal for the composer, the performers and the audience. A string quartet is a true marriage between four instruments of the same family but also between the four musicians who play them. To hear what happens in a quartet requires special attention and culture, as the message is so rich. The aim of this lecture is to help the listener enter this intimate and complex world. Jean-Michel Molkhou’s ambition is to make the listener perceive the essential parameters that are at the basis of the cohesion, the sound and the style of a quartet. The Modigliani Quartet will illustrate the subject with musical extracts played live. A presentation of the book “Les Grands quatuors à cordes du XXe siècle”, followed by a signing session with the author, will close this conference.